Netflix’s upcoming film, “Badland Hunter,” brings together Korea’s top-tier action ensemble. Renowned director Heo Myeong-haeng, known for his martial arts direction in the Netflix series “Kingdom” (2019) and films “The Roundup” (2022) and “Train to Busan” (2016), collaborates with Korean action master Ma Dong-seok, also known as Don Lee, for this exciting new project.On Tuesday, Ma, accompanied by co-stars An Ji-hye, Roh Jeong-ui, Lee Jun-young, Lee Hee-joon and director Heo, took part in a press conference at a hotel in Jongno District, Seoul, to unveil details about the making of the film.”Badland Hunters” tells the stories of individuals striving to survive in an apocalypse caused by a major earthquake. When a teenage girl, played by Roh, is kidnapped by a mad doctor named Yang Gi-su (Lee Hee-joon), Nam San (Ma) takes on a daring rescue mission.Despite speculation suggesting that the film might be a sequel to the dystopian Netflix movie “Concrete Utopia” (2023), it is important to note that the two films are distinct entities, differing significantly in both background and plot.This marks Heo’s directorial debut, transitioning from his role as a martial arts director. Ma, who has collaborated with the director for over two decades on numerous action movies, played a crucial role in assisting Heo in crafting the action flick.Ma revealed the motivation behind their enduring collaboration, stating, “I simply appreciate director Heo.””What I learned from my years in action movies was that I couldn’t design the elements of action separately from the whole movie. Even in action scenes, the emotions of the characters and the elements of the drama should blend properly,” the actor explained.
“For me, Heo, with his extensive experience as a martial arts director, seemed like he was naturally in control of the entire directing process. I just knew he would do it well.”Drawing on their wealth of experience in action films, Heo and Ma pledged to introduce innovative action sequences rarely seen in Korean cinema.”My primary goal for this movie was to starkly reveal individuals whose foremost priority is survival in extreme situations. So I focused on portraying individuals willing to do the most brutal things to survive, resulting in the film’s strict age restriction,” explained Heo.Ma highlighted his departure from his trademark fistfights.”I use various weapons this time, including different types of guns and even a machete. I’ve been boxing for a long time, so I usually fought with my fists in my previous works, but this time I added a lot of new attempts,” the 52-year-old actor noted.Beyond Ma, the entire cast dedicated themselves to enhancing the film’s overall quality.In particular, Lee Jun-young, recognized for portraying villains in Netflix series like the first season of “D.P.” (2021) and “Mask Girl” (2023), embraced the role of Choi Ji-wan, an innocent archer. He expressed joy in portraying a positive character after being recognized for his villain roles.”When ‘D.P.’ and ‘Mask Girl’ aired, people whispered behind my back on the streets. I’m glad to be able to show my cuter side with this work,” he said.”Badland Hunters” 카지노사이트킹 will premiere on Netflix, Jan. 26.