It has been seven years since Kim Si-woo became the youngest winner of The Players Championship, one of the most prestigious tournaments on the PGA Tour, dubbed “the fifth major.” Still just 28 years old and now a father for the first time, Kim would like nothing more than to pick up his second trophy on the iconic TPC Sawgrass in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, this week.”This is a really special tournament. It’s the greatest event hosted by the tour and has the biggest purse,” Kim said of the $25 million tournament Wednesday, according to a transcript provided by the tour. “Everyone wants to win this tournament. And some of the very best players have won this multiple times, and I’d like to join that company.”Kim marveled at how fast time had flown since he captured the Players title at age 21. Kim has since added two more PGA Tour titles to his name.”It was such a whirlwind of a week back then, and it didn’t really dawn on me right away that I’d won it,” Kim recalled. “I didn’t know what I was doing. Now that I am looking back on it, I want to lift that trophy again.”
Kim said he is pleased with his start to the 2024 season. Even though he has not had a top-10 finish yet in seven tournaments, Kim has not missed any cut, either.”I haven’t had a top 10 or a win, but my goal at every event is to make the cut,” Kim said. “I think it shows how consistently I’ve been playing so far. If I keep this up, I should have a chance to win. And since The Players is one of my favorite tournaments, I’d love to do well here.” Kim said wind will once again be a factor at TPC Sawgrass, especially over the final three holes, including the famous par-3 17th with the island green.”Patience will be important,” Kim said. “If I get too caught up in results, then I will get too anxious, which will affect my play.”Kim and his golfer wife, Oh Ji-hyun, became parents for the first time in late February. Kim’s scheduled break from the tour coincided with the birth of their child, and Kim returned to action last week.Kim said it took him a while to find his bearings on the course after the childbirth but he wouldn’t trade that experience for anything else.”I’ve never felt this kind of sensation before. It’s a precious feeling,” Kim said. “Bathing the baby is still very hard, but I think I’ve gotten the hang of changing diapers. The first night was especially difficult because we didn’t know why the baby kept crying. But we’ve had a lot of help from nurses.”As for the state of his game, Kim said: “I haven’t had much practice recently, but my ball-striking is getting 메이저 better. I am looking forward to this week